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Thanks for attending a

JAM Session

Thank you for attending a JAM Session. It was such a joy to curate a safe space for you to pour into yourself and be surrounded by community. I hope that you enjoyed yourself and gained practical tools to take care of your mental health using my JAM method (journaling, affirmations & mindfulness). 

Please provide your feedback using this survey to help me continue to improve in hosting events for the community.

Which date did the Jam Session you attended occur?
Do you consent to us sharing your feedback on Therapy is my JAM's website and Instagram and including your name?
Which components of the workshop did you find most beneficial? (Select all that apply)
Do you feel you received practical tools that you can use to take care of your mental health moving forward?
Would you attend another JAM Session?
Would you recommend a JAM Session to someone you know?

Would you like to stay in touch by subscribing to my newsletter to receive upcoming events and the Monthly Jam (journal prompts, affirmations & mindfulness challenges)?

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